Accidental Play

Monday, May 27, 2013

there are times when you heard the radio plays a familiar music, not particularly the one you liked or repeated countless times but had somehow managed to bring back tons of memories. the feeling of wanting to turn back time, wanting to be in the karaoke box and sing your lungs out with all the best buddies you've ever had and the desire of making it happen all over again, even though it's not much of a big deal.

most of the time i find it hard to get over memories like these. it get stucked in my mind for a very long time. i'm sure it will stay that way until the day i lost all my memory. it sounded so insignificant yet i felt so depress when i know, deep down, just how hard it is to make it all happen again. it's crazy how an insignificant moment can stay in your mind for so long and keep replaying every now and then. i get very excited  it felt so surreal, like everything had just happened yesterday  and emotional at the same time, whenever i share with my other friends these experiences of mine. an accidental press on the 'play' button eventually threw me on a crazy time-travel ride.

these people in the karaoke box are amazing, all so different in their own beautiful ways. they are the ones who make me realize and believe that memories are meant to be kept and treasured forever, even the slightest insignificant thing in life because you might not actually felt how special it is when you are experiencing it until you look back and realize every moment you shared with these awesome people are the ones that filled your life with the greatest contentment you could ever imagine. as they say, you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory. and the best thing, they made your life meaningful. i couldn't express how grateful i am to be surrounded by this bunch of crazy fellows. they are the one who sustained me in a completely unfamiliar place. to be honest, if i possess a time machine or the superpower to turn back time, i would definitely relive these insignificant yet memorable moments.

i couldn't tell you how heavy hearted i felt to separate for three whole months. i felt strange to feel that way because i never thought something, or perhaps someone could make such a great impact on me that it changed my whole personality, how i view my life as well as the value of friendship. we haven't been through a friendship long enough to make us old friends but it would be unfair to say that we are not good friends. i am very certain that we have been through an unforgettable friendship that made us all good friends to each other, and some, best best friends. i know no matter what all you dudes and babes will be backing me up, supporting me.

i'm seriously missing all of you very badly and the college life i used to live.
all that i wish for now is to have you guys by my side.  

counting down three more months till we reunite  if possible.



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